Signs of Bourj Hammoud:
A personal project exploring diasporic identity and vernacular typography of shop signs in the Armenian district Bourj Hammoud in Beirut. Images exhibited in Graw Böckler Garage Berlin, 2019 October. Fanzine available in Motto Books, Berlin: www.mottodistribution.com
Concept, images & text
Date: 2019-2020
Image editing for the fanzine: Tarek Kandil
Date: 2019-2020
Image editing for the fanzine: Tarek Kandil

Archipelago: A journal that was launched by the students of the Department of Politics at Goldsmiths. The goal behind the journal’s launch was to create a platform for academic exchange between students. Production costs were kept low to encourage a wider circulation for the journal both on and off campus. The letters on the cover are spread out so that they imitate a cluster of islands, an archipelago.
Concept, design
Date: 2013
Date: 2013

Radio Yerevan: A project about generational memory transmission. As a half-Armenian growing up in Estonia, it was common to encounter images of Mount Ararat on the walls of Armenian family friends. The mountain serves as one of the pillars of Armenian national identity, and this is even more true for the diaspora, which was formed largely after the Armenian Genocide, when the western part of Armenia, together with Ararat, was lost to Turkey. While being familiar with the mountain from images, it is still difficult to relate to it, even though it feels like I should. For an Armenian-themed exhibition in Berlin, we set up a photo studio in which people could photograph themselves with the mountain. People interacting with the image of the mountain brought forth my own strange detachment from what the image depicts, the ‘real’ mount Ararat.
Group exhibition
Date: 2011
With Ivo Gretener
Group exhibition
Date: 2011
With Ivo Gretener

Superstitions: A compilation of personal superstitions which were collected from friends and strangers. Some are personalised derivatives of common superstitions, while others are entirely new inventions. Some date back to childhood experiences; others are from more recent times. Some of them are simple; others highly complex. But they are all based on the common ground of supremely personal attempts in the construction of meaning.
Concept, illustrations & images
Date: 2011
Text: Franziska Wegener
Date: 2011
Text: Franziska Wegener

Bonne Sante: The design for a poster that communicates health advice concerning the everyday consumption of water. The poster displays eight information points. Pictograms were created for each point, which also made it accessible to people who do not speak French. The posters were given to schools, hospitals, the water department, Togo’s AIDS clinic, and traditional healers.
Concept, design
Date: 2009
With Slang International
Date: 2009
With Slang International